For the past nineteen years, Southampton Trails Preservation Society has honored someone with the TrailBlazer of the Year Award. This award is given to the individual or group, who during that year, has been instrumental in moving forward the goals of STPS.

Below is a list of our previous Trail Blazer of the Year winners:
1998 Pingree Louchheim
1999 Steve Biasetti
2000 Sharone Einhorn/Marlene Haresign
2001 Ken Bieger/Tony Garro
2002 Howard Reisman/Dianne Rulnick
2003 James “Chip” Dineen
2004 Laura Smith
2005 Ken Kindler
2006 Howard Roth
2007 Susan Langley Bieger
2008 Eric Woodward
2009 Barbara Bornstein/Bob Wolfram
2010 Dai Dayton
2011 Marilyn Kirkbright/David Wilcox & Town Planning Department
2012 Susan Colledge and the Regular Maintenance Team
2013 Mike Bottini
2014 Ross Baldwin/James Gormley
2015 Glorian Berk
P.O. Box 1171
Bridgehampton, NY 11932